Introduction to Legal Concepts

A course about basic legal concepts, including courts, trials, laws, crime, and legal terminology.


  • In this module, Legal Secretary Introduction, students will learn about what it means to be a Legal Secretary. Students will also learn about potential careers and legal secretary job functions, as well as required traits of a Legal Secretary. Finally, this module will wrap up by giving students an employment outlook on potential career paths.
    Topic A
    Review Quiz
  • In this module, Courts, Crime, and Controversy, students will learn about; The courts and the criminal justice system. As well as actors in the courthouse and their roles. This module will also cover the differences between criminal vs civil court cases. Finally it will cover law on the books and in action.
    Topic A
  • In this module, Law and Crime, students will learn about such topics as the basis of American law, such as Common Law and Judge-Made Law. As well as the sources of American law and the Bill of Rights and Due Process. Finally, students will learn about the differences and procedures of civil disputes and criminal law.
    Topic A
  • In this module, State Courts, students will learn about state courts. Including the history of state courts as well as state courts today. It will also go into the topic of the four layers of typical state courts. It will also cover courts from lower courts, to intermediate courts of appeals, to state supreme courts.
    Topic D
  • In this module, Arrest to Arraignment, students will learn about such as Crime and Arrest. A Comparison of Type I and Type II UCR Offenses. As well as bail, forms of bail, the effects of the bail system, bail agents and bounty hunters. It will also cover preliminary hearing, grand jury, and arraignment
    Topic E
  • In this module, Appellate Courts, students will learn about the nature of the Appellate Process, limitations on the Right to Appellate Review, as well as the Standard of Review. Students will also learn about Appellate Court procedures, criminal appeals, post-conviction review, State Supreme Courts, and the U.S. Supreme Court and Criminal Justice Policy.
    Topic F
  • In this module, Trials and Juries, students will learn about the history of trials by jury. Students will also receive an overview of basic evidence and the types of evidence. They will also learn the steps in the trial process; such as opening statements, closing arguments, jury deliberations and the verdict.
    Topic G
  • In this module, Legal Terminology, students will learn about contract terms, including taking a look at a sample contract, and being prompt and reasonable. Students will also learn about types of damages, such as compensatory damages, punitive damages, and nominal damages. Finally, we will cover negligence, subrogation, and choice of law.
    Topic H
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  • Internet Connection

  • Mobile Phone

  • Research Materials


This free online course, "Introduction to Legal Concepts", will provide you with an understanding of the basics of legal concepts.

You will learn about what it takes to be a Legal Secretary, from potential careers to required traits. You will be learning about the courts and the criminal justice system, including the roles of people in the courthouse, the jury box, and the difference between trial courts and appellate courts.

Next, you will learn about the grand jury, arraignment, pretrial motions, and plea negotiations.

Furthermore, this online course will teach you about the basics of law and crime. You will learn about the basics of American Law, common law heritage, Judge-made law, and how to read legal citations. Then, you will learn about the criminal procedure amendments, the bill of rights,and types of civil disputes as well as civil remedies for fighting crime.

Finally, you will learn about the trials, juries, the history of trials by jury, what the jury is and the role it plays in the criminal justice system, as well as the steps in the trial process.

Studying this course will be of great benefit to everyone interested in the legal field or interested in becoming a legal secretary. Enroll in this online course today and start learning about the the American legal system and its concepts.


Legal Secretary Introduction
Courts, Crime, and Controversy
Law and Crime
State Courts
Arrest to Arraignment
Appellate Courts
Trials and Juries
Legal Terminology
Instroduction to my course

  • Duration 1 week
  • Enrolled 0 Students
  • Category
  • Skill Level Beignners
  • Last updated 08/2022

Savvy Lawyer

Nigeria, Lagos

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